We present the theory of damping of low-energy excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperatures, where the damping is provided by the interaction of these excitations with the thermal excitations. We emphasize the key role of stochastization in the behavior of the thermal excitations for damping in nonspherical traps. The damping rates of the lowest excitations, following from our theory, are in fair agreement with the data of recent JILA and MIT experiments. The damping of quasiclassical excitations is determined by the condensate boundary region, and the result for the damping rate is drastically different from that in a spatially homogeneous gas.

Phys. Rev. Lett.

Fedichev, P. O., Shlyapnikov, G. V., & Walraven, J. T. M. (1998). Damping of low-energy excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperatures. Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 2269–2272.