To improve the thermal stability of Mo/Si multilayers, a novel method to form carbide based diffusion barriers, produced by the implantation of Si with CHx+ ions, has been developed. The multilayers were grown by e-beam evaporation, while CHx+ ions were implanted at the Mo/Si interfaces, using a Kaufman ion source with a Ne / CH4 gas mixture. Energies were varied from 300 to 1000 eV. The growth as well as the implantation procedure were monitored by in situ X-ray reflectometry. Auger Electron Spectroscopy was used to characterize the surface composition before and after CHx+ ion implantation. The shift of the Si LVV Auger peak revealed the formation of SiC. Ex situ X-ray reflectometry showed a thermal stability of both the reflectivity and the multilayer period up to 430 K.
Thin Solid Films

Alink, L. G. A. M., van de Kruijs, R. W. E., Louis, E., Bijkerk, F., & Verhoeven, J. (2006). Improved temperature stability of Mo/Si multilayers by carbide based diffusion barriers through implantation of low energy CHx+ ions. Thin Solid Films, 510, 26–31. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2005.09.202