We show experimentally that there is asymmetry in photocurrent enhancement by Ag nanoparticle arrays located on the front or on the rear of solar cells. The scattering cross-section calculated for front- and rear-located nanoparticles can differ by up to a factor of 3.7, but the coupling efficiency remains the same. We attribute this to differences in the electric field strength and show that the normalized scattering cross-section of a front-located nanoparticle varies from two to eight depending on the intensity of the driving field. In addition, the scattering cross-section of rear-located particles can be increased fourfold using ultrathin spacer layers.

Appl. Phys. Lett.
Photonic Materials

Beck, F. J., Mokkapati, S., Polman, A., & Catchpole, K. R. (2010). Asymmetry in photocurrent enhancement by plasmonic nanoparticle arrays located on the front or on the rear of solar cells. Appl. Phys. Lett., 96(Article number: 33113), 1–3. doi:10.1063/1.3292020